Debunking the Myth: Understanding the Flawed Reasoning of "Your Baby Is Too Big" to Justify Induction or C-Section
Jan 30, 2022We need this information widely available to all birthing people.
I can barely believe it, but I’m down to the last few weeks of my pregnancy. I’m looking towards my birth as an inevitability now, and not a far off possibility like it’s seemed up until this point.
Even with 10 years as a birth worker under my belt, I still have fears that need to be processed before my birth. I’m lucky to have a vast amount of knowledge and support to help me navigate these fears, but so many others don’t. There’s so much misinformation and outright fear mongering out there. It saddens me.
That’s why when I saw postpartum doula Lauren Archer’s post on Instagram, I knew I wanted to share it in a love note. We need this information widely available to all birthing people. Below are Lauren’s words. Please share this as you see fit, and question whenever you hear someone whose been frightened into believing they’re gestating a big baby.
“Big Babies"— It’s a common misconception that just because your babe is “big” in the womb, that means your body won’t be able to deliver them vaginally. Here are some facts:
🏼 Ultra sound measurements are most accurate around 20 weeks
🏼 Some experts consider a baby “big” at 8lbs 13oz while other say 9lbs 15oz
🏼 A baby is considered “extremely large” if they are 11lbs or larger at birth
🏼 Studies indicate only 8.2% of people who do not have Gestational Diabetes have a babe between 8lbs 13oz - 9lbs 15oz while only 1.5% of people have a baby larger than 9lbs 15oz
🏼 90.3% of people have a babe less than 8lbs 13oz
🏼 Having a “big” baby is NOT an automatic reason to forgo a vaginal birth!!
🏼 When counseled by a care provider about the risks of suspected big baby, studies show induction rates are higher, c-section rates are higher and complications are higher.
🏼 Researchers found that 2 out of 3 American women had an ultrasound at the end of pregnancy to determine the baby’s size, and 1 out of 3 women were told their babies were too big. In the end, the average birth weight of these suspected “big babies” was only 7lbs 13 oz
🏼 Research has also found that some care providers phrase the big baby = Cesarean convo as if the pregnant person has no choice
🏼 Some research has found that when a care provider suspects baby to be large, they were more than twice as likely to use “stalled labor” as a reason to perform a cesarean
I am 5’2” and I weigh between 105 and 115lbs. Cubby was 8lbs 12oz and 21inches
I had 2 minor tears and birthed at home vaginally.
I was told by a perinatologist routinely that my baby was too big and would get stuck. I was also told I should schedule a cesarean.
I am grateful that I knew the above facts and had a midwife that advocated for me and my baby.
I was often told during my pregnancy that I was going to have a big baby.
One of the best things I was told was that my body grows the kind of baby it can birth.”
- Lauren Archer @loveofalittleone
I’m glad Lauren had this information so she could decide the best course of action for herself. Were you told you had a large baby at some point in your pregnancy?
As I wind down my working days this month, and settle into the nesting, and birth prep that’s been calling to me, please know that Callie, Angelica, Cindy and Heather are available to take great care of you.
These ladies have all had their hands on me throughout this pregnancy, giving me the best massages! I cannot say enough great things about their level of skill and caring. I trust them implicitly.
With love & gratitude,
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